The pinning down of a definition for love by the wisest of Philosophers and the learned of Psychologists seem to prove futile. I have neither seen nor heard a 'perfect' definition for love. Love is one of the most wonderful feelings one can ever experience, a social construct which is and can only be defined by two or more people by way of their interactions.

To love and desire to be loved are the basic human traits and necessities of life. Throughout life, everyone is either directly or indirectly in search of love which needs to be fulfilled. The fulfillment of other life desires is but a concomitant display of the love searched and found.

The intertwining of love and lust, thinking of lust as love is a misconception we must seek to erase. “Though the butterfly and the bird claim oneness because they both have wings, the butterfly is a butterfly and the bird a bird”. Lust is explained as having strong sexual desire for someone.

In many of today’s relationships, love is seen and expressed in the language of lust that is fueled by idealization and projection of the desire of sex relations one wishes to have with the other. The greatest evidence of ‘’love’’ is sacrifice. One needs to sacrifice and commit everything he/she has in other to make it complete. Love is the greatest risk one has to be willing to encounter whether it succeeds or not. It is neither a day nor a week’s feeling; its feeling is everlasting and infinite.

No matter how a person may be, he or she needs to be loved for happy are those who find love and enjoy the solace. Love is around you and all it takes is the right perception and person. Love sinks deeper and deeper like roots into the soil of the heart, beyond the imaginable! Love is not an alluring feeling of excitement. It is surely not based on attraction of a special quality a person has. 

Love goes beyond any restriction and ordinance because it comes from within and surely that which comes from within has no boundaries. The emotional allotropy of love is what makes it so hard an element to define by mouth. Love is kind, patient, not self-seeking, and it is not selfish, it keeps no records of wrong doing, and love doesn’t boast. How well can we define its dynamics? Give me a thousand words to explain what love is. Who loves me and who do I love? What at all is love? Who can profess love? Is love a feeling or an attitude? The mysteries of love are hard to define yet seem nearer to find. Indeed, the mysticism and dynamics of love is the emotional allotrope of life.

Written by:
SELINA COFIE (SellyFynn)✍🏾

dropping from the pen room of NNSOROMA PUBLICATIONS are;
➖THOSE SAME PEOPLE. (by Reindolf Amankwa✍🏾)
➖MY FUTURE WIFE AWAITS. (by Reindolf Amankwa✍🏾)
➖WHEN THEY NEED YOU. (by Reindolf Amankwa✍🏾)
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